Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The test.

It's been a couple of weeks since 'the test' and shall try to remember it as it was.

A 9am Saturday start with Dean (Torq boss), Cam (physiologist) and Jamie (set-up expert) in attendance and after an explanation of the process, a short while to set-up the test bike to my previous bike position they had me getting comfortable with an easy warm up
. Easy.
Then mask on, no talking and light resistance applied.... easy.
Take blood for lactate level via pricked finger then increase resistance by 50w, 3 minutes pedaling then repeat, repeat, repeat process until my V02 levels reach their peak then start to drop off. Resistance off, light spin, recover, drink Torq recovery, test completed!
Actually not as painful as I was expecting but no stroll in the park mind you.
The detailed results were forwarded to me, and my new coach Jenni, the next week.
Jen peruses the results and constructs the cunning plan to make me ride faster for longer.
Next I was under the instruction of Jamie to assess/change my current bike/s set-up to create more power, less fatigue and more comfort. First up was my Scott road race bike then the Scapin roadie and finally the Yeti. All bikes are now significantly different to ride and from the riding I have done so far they are more comfortable and I feel somewhat stronger on them. My seat and bars were lifted from my super low euro pro (wank, wank) position and seat moved forward to allow me to power more over the top of my pedal stroke. It so far feels real good!

Now all I have to do is ride it, follow it, eat well, rest well, stay injury free and avoid the pig flu (and any other nasty bugs) and podium here I come..... hopefully.

The process was a wonderful experience and I reckon anyone with enthusiasm about their bikes and racing, at any level, would get a lot out of it.
I certainly did.

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