Monday, April 19, 2010

enthusiasm building...

After a couple of weekend rides I'm feeling eager to eat some racing this weekend at the Tour of the Southern Gramps, Coleraine (or what ever the fuck it's called). I have entered B grade not knowing where the hell I am in relation to any road racing level. Oh well, apparently some hilly things are in there so I'll install the climbing wheels for the weekend as every little bit helps. Wind and showers apparently expected too, oh joy! Off to a sweat it out in The Spin Room at 6am tomoz. Then take it easy until race start on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. go get-em tiger.

    Riding in rain isn't that bad, you just got to get a taste for road grim in your mouth, really not that bad at all.

    And save the white kit for the sunny days.
